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Your Athletic Trainers Corner - Avoiding Burnout
February 11, 2008

In This Issue...

- What's New at Sports Injury Info
- Feature Article - "Avoiding Burnout"
- Coming Soon to SII

Whats New at Sports Injury Info

New Pages
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Hip Anatomy

Sports Injury Rehab

Ankle Rehab Exercises: Improving Your Motion
Ankle Rehab Exercises: Improving Your Strength
Ankle Rehab Exercises: Improving Your Balance

Sports Injuries

Learn About Your Hip Injury
Understanding Your Hip Pain
Is It Piriformis Syndrome?
What Is Trochanteric Bursitis?
Learn About Hip Flexor Injury

Sports Injury Surgery

Arthroscopic vs. Open Procedures
Knee Arthroscopy For Sports Injuries
Meniscus Tear Surgery
Meniscus Repair

Feature Article
Avoiding Burnout

Avoiding Burnout

Last month I talked about new years resolutions, and the best ways to stick with them. If you have made it through the month, sticking to your resolution to be more active, lose a few pounds, or just get into better shape...congratulations.

Let me ask you this though...during this time have you had moments when you just lost your motivation? When you just didn't want to hit the gym, or go for that run?

Of course you have...everyone does. It is human nature, and normal.

Burnout or loss of motivation for a training program is one of the primary reasons people stop working out. This loss of motivation can often have many causes...not enough time, too many other committments, nagging injuries, or boredom with the program.

If you are having second thoughts about your training program, or dread that next workout session, read on to find some tips on how to improve your motivation, and get yourself back on track to maintaining your health and meeting your fitness goals.

Change is Good

Doing the same thing over and over becomes boring. You get into a rut, and the next thing you know, it isn't fun or exciting anymore. When that happens, motivation wanes. Now, instead of enjoying your workouts, you are dreading them.

One of the easiest ways avoid boredom is to change your workout frequently. There are so many variations that you can choose from, the list is endless. I like to work in 6 week cycles. That is my personal preference, you can choose any time frame you like.

Changing your workout can mean alternating between types of exercises, like nautilus or free weights. Or you can vary your workout by decreasing your weights and increasing reps.

No matter what you do, keep your workouts fresh, changing things up every few weeks.

Set Specific Goals

Maybe your overall goal for working out is to lose a few pounds...or to get in shape for the summer. These are great long term goals...but they are not easily achieved. So, after several weeks of your program, you haven't met your goals, and you start to get frustrated, or lose motivation.

One way to combat this is to set short term goals that are achievable in just a few sessions. These can be easy things likes increasing your time or speed on the treadmill, the weight you are using for a specific exercise, or any number of things.

By setting short term goals, you will constantly be making progress, and you can see that progress week by week. Make a checklist of 5 goals you want to achieve in the next two weeks. They don't have to be big...just think of 5 things that you can easily achieve. Then, when you meet your goal, cross it off the list. In a couple weeks, make a new list. Having goals to work towards makes it easier to achieve those long term goals you are working towards.

Chart Your Progress

It may seem tedious, but keeping a record of your workouts is a great way to maintain motivation. Write down all of your exercises, weights, sets, reps, etc. Each time you work out, document your results...after several sessions, you will be able to look back and see your progress. You can also use this as part of your short and long term goals.

Take a Week Off

If you feel like you are burnt out on your program, take a day off. Or a week. As long as you make sure you return to your workout after your time off, a day or week of rest can go a long way in improving your motivation. I do this with my patients who are undergoing long term rehab. Sometimes, the best thing to do is to just take a week off, forget about working out for awhile, and enjoy life. Just don't forget to get back into things.


Being active, either through an exercise program, or some other type of organized activity is a great way to stay healthy, lose a few pounds, and stay fit. Everyone loses motivation once in awhile, but there are lots of ways to get it back. Change your program so it doesn't become boring, set small short term goals, chart your progress as you go, and take some time off occasionally.

The most important part of any program is just doing it.

Coming Soon To SII

Have you ever had an ankle sprain? Do you suffer from weak ankles? Do you dread the pick up basketball game for fear of injury?

Coming soon to Sports Injury Info, "The Complete Guide To Ankle Sprains".

From injury to return to play, this e-book will give you all of the knowledge you need to return yourself to sports and a pain free ankle.

This guide will walk you through the initial treatment, how to reduce swelling and speed recovery, and the key activities for the first 3 days. Days 4-14 detail exercises to improve range of motion, strength, and normal walking. Weeks 2-4 improve your balance and proprioception, and return your ankle strength to normal. Weeks 4 and on involve exercises for improving strength, endurance, flexibility, balance, and power.

If you have "weak ankles" or suffer from chronic sprains, this guide is for you. It covers some of the commonly overlooked areas of ankle sprain rehab, and provides step by step instructions for conquering your ankle pain. Not just for the acute sprain, it can help to eliminate ankle pain from old sprains too...

Watch your email inbox for details regarding this upcoming e-book.

Until Next Time,


Stay off the Sidelines!

Sports Injury Info

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