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Your Athletic Trainers Corner, July 2007 -- Beating The Heat! July 07, 2007 |
In This Issue...- What's New at Sports Injury Info- Feature Article - "Beating The Heat" - Coming soon to SII - Submit your sports injury story Whats new at Sports Injury InfoNew PagesIt has been a busy month at Sports Injury Info. I have been working on rounding out the website, and adding as much quality information as possible. It seems that as soon as I write one page, I think of 3 more that I want to write! Here's whats new since the last newsletter...
Feature Article - BeatingThe HeatAs summer gets into full swing, so much time is spent outdoors. And some of that time is bound to be playing sports. For most recreational athletes, summer is the prime time to get back into that sports activity that was neglected during the winter months. Cycling, tennis, golf, softball, name it, most sports are better in the summer time.With the summer heat comes an increased need to keep your body healthy and avoid the pitfalls of being out in the sun. Here are just a few tips to help you beat the heat, and stay off the sidelines. Water, Water, Who Needs Water?Water in the summer is usually thought of in the pool, or at the beach...maybe even running through the hose in the backyard. Drinking water is the most important tip to help beat the heat during summer sports activities. Proper hydration is extremely important for the health of your muscles, and to keep yourself in top form. While hydration is important year round, during the summer months when you are more likely to sweat a lot more, it is vital to make sure that you are drinking enough fluids.Make sure that you drink several glasses of water a day, even on days when you are not participating in your activity. If you know that you are going to be playing out in the sun for several hours, increase your fluid intake the night before, and continue to drink up to the event. Then, take in small amounts of water throughout your game or practice. It helps to avoid caffinated beverages prior to activity. Sports drinks such as Gatorade or Powerade are great to help replenish electrolytes after activity, but just plain water is the most important both prior to and during your outside adventures. Accomodate to the HeatObviously, if you haven't been out in the sun and heat much, your body isn't going to be used to it. So start out slow and gradually increase your outside activities. If you can, plan your games and events in the early or late hours, when the sun is not at its hottest.SunscreenSuncreen, especially for those all day events, is important, not only for athletes, but for spectators as well. Do yourself a favor and keep your skin healthy. Avoid getting burned and put on a sunscreen of SPF 15-45, depending on your type of skin. Don't forget to re-apply throughout the day, especially if you are sweating a lot, or if you are in the water.Know The SignsThere are several signs of heat illness that you should be aware of. The first sign that you may be dehydrated or starting to suffer from the heat is cramps. This is especially true if you are playing a sport. You may suffer cramps in the calf, hamstrings, feet, or hands. Cramping is the body's way of telling you that you haven't had enough to drink. As you sweat away your fluids, the balance of electrolytes and water in the muscles is skewed, and your muscles start to contract involuntarily. You can eat all the bananas you want, but the primary problem is that you haven't had enough water. Once you start cramping, you should stop playing for the day, get cooled off, and start replenishing those fluids.Dizziness, nausea, weakness, and fatigue are also signs of beginning heat illness. These signs often point towards heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion is a fluid problem as well. The body looses fluid due to sweating, and the total volume of fluid in the body is depleted enough to prevent normal function. Blood pressure may drop due to decreased volume, and this causes many of these symptoms. If you feel any of these things, it is imperative that you get somewhere cool, rest, and drink lots of water. You need to bring your fluid level back up in order to return to normal. Stop your outdoor activity, and get inside where it is will only get worse if you don't. Safe Summer FunSummer is a great time to enjoy outdoor sports and activities. Make sure you stay hydrated, wear that sunscreen, and keep yourself off the sidelines.Coming Soon To SIIVideos!Ever wonder what that bump on the front of your knee is called? Or where exactly is the medial collateral ligament? How about the spot on the ankle where you are most likely to be painful if you have peroneal tendonitis? Now imagine being able to see a video, with someone who knows all about anatomy showing you exactly what is what in the knee, elbow, ankle, and shoulder. It is your own personal tour of the human body, hosted by me, your friendly certified athletic trainer. Anatomy videos are in the works, and should be available in late July. Keep your eyes peeled for a special edition of the Athletic Trainers Corner announcing their arrival. Share Your Sports Injury StorySports injuries are filled with frustrations and questions. Sometimes, just hearing about how someone else dealt with the same problem you have makes things seem a little less scary. I am working on creating a webpage dedicated to my visitors sports injury experiences. I would love it if you would help.If you have suffered from a sports injury - from ACL tears to sprained ankles - share your story with all of the visitors at SII. Tell us about your worries, your experiences, and how you dealt with your sports injury. Help brighten others day by sharing your experiences. Please share your story now! Until Next Time,
Stay off the Sidelines! |
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