lax ACL

by Spring
(Hartford, CT USA)

Want to know several things.

I want to know if the swelling in my joint can make it feel like I have a lax ACL when in fact I do not.

Can an OS doctor looking at an MRI tell if the ACL injury is old or new when there was slight bleed that healed? What kind of time-frame can he narrow it to? (He's called it OLD and that it can't be bothering me now)

If the MRI says that its a "mild sprain" that does not mean I can't have a lax ACL...right?

My leg feels like its in TWO pieces separated at the joint line. When I walk, it feels like I'm forced into dragging my foot, as its too clunky to pick the foot up and throw it forward in a normal fashion. The joint feels like it "rotates" even when I'm turning under the covers in bed.

Tell me, I'm worried over nothing.



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